Writing while deviant for The Rumpus!

As if interspecies paranormal relationships weren’t enough, I’ve written for The Rumpus on the parallel insecurities in writing and kink.

“Playing A Part: Imposter Syndrome in Kink and Writing” is an exploration of the pressures we experience and turn in on ourselves, even in the case of our own desires.

A yellow background with a hand cuffed to a grey shoe and the word "(K)ink"

If you haven’t checked out the (K)ink: Writing While Deviant series, do! Through reading each person’s story, I discovered so many interesting life stories around kink and art. My favourite so far is “Dropping Fictions and Gaining Visibility”, Brian Kornell’s despatch from the gay gainer scene.

(K)ink: Writing While Deviant is curated by Arielle Greenberg, an incredible writer and editor, and the coiner of the term ‘Gurlesque’.

Folks to follow:
The Rumpus
Arielle Greenberg

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